Monday, January 2, 2012

First Finish of 2012: Team Human!

(Well, technically my first finish was Secrets of a Summer Night, last night, but this was the first I both started and finished in 2012...)

I stayed up way too late last night reading, and then hurried home from my parents' house today, all so I could finish reading Team Human by Justine Larbalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan. It's a vampire novel, but it's unlike any vampire story you've read or seen. It was hilarious and touching and romantic and serious and . . . just everything. I loved it. Its tagline is "Friends don't let friends date vampires." What more do you need to know? There are Wuthering Heights jokes and awesome kissing scenes and a girl sleuth with her trusty sidekick and very real-feeling sibling and friend relationships. Unfortunately (well, for you) it's not actually out until July, so I'm going to save my full review until closer to the release date, but don't worry: I will NOT let you forget about this book.


  1. Glad to hear you liked this one. As a SRB fangirl I cannot wait to check this one out!!

  2. Jealous! I knew you'd love it. 'Cause it's SRB and Justine. Duh. ;)
