Sunday, January 15, 2012

REVIEW: Small Town Sinners

Small Town Sinners by Melissa Walker is the compelling story of Lacey Anne Byer, a pastor's daughter who begins to question the worldview she's grown up with as she grows up. It features complex religious characters, a main character who undergoes significant but believable development over the course of the book, and a seriously swoony - but not perfect - love interest. You may be sensing a theme: Yes, the characters were much more well-rounded than I expected from a novel dealing with religion, as far too often either religious characters are all-good or all-bad. Here they're just people, which is refreshing. I found a few of the plot twists predictable, but it didn't take anything away from the book, because just because I had an idea of something that might happen didn't mean I had any idea how it would play out. And Walker maintains a wonderful amount of tension: I couldn't put this down. Bonus feature: a Hell House!

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