Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Packing for Christmas!

I read a lot yesterday and finished the Secret Circle trilogy, so now I'm concentrating on Claire de Lune. But I leave tomorrow to spend Christmas with my family, so it's time to decide which books to pack! I will probably get a book or two for Christmas, but I feel the need to bring a whole bunch anyway, of course. My current plan:

From the list in the sidebar: Claire de Lune, Gone with the Wind, A Game of Thrones, Liberty's Exiles, and my Kindle with The Warden on it.

Other: Team Human ARC, and Legend and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy from the library. Legend is due next week, so that will be a priority, and I'm just in the mood for Tinker Tailor.

I realize that's a little more than a book a day, but I need options! What if I only had a few books and wasn't in the MOOD for any of them? Horrors! (Yes, my parents are both readers. There are plenty of books in their house. NOT THE POINT.)

What will you be reading over the holidays?

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